
What is Barbershop Harmony?

It’s four-part, unaccompanied, close-harmony singing, with melody in the second voice, or Lead.  The Tenor harmonizes above the lead singer.  The Bass sings the lowest harmonizing notes.  The Baritone provides in-between notes.   All combine to form consonant, pleasing chords.

Music has been historically in the style of “the old songs” from the heyday of Tin Pan Alley, circa 1890-1920 but has focus on songs from the 50’s, 60’s or present day.

Melodies are in the vocal and skill range of the average singer, with lyrical emphasis on simple, heartfelt emotions: love, friendship, mother, moon & June & the girl next door.

Have a look at our parent society website for more about Barbershopping in this century!

The Ontario District is one of several in the North American Barbershop Harmony Society.  Other area chapters are listed here.